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Black Friday 2024 Should your brand participate this year? 

Black Friday is a holiday that consumers look forward to, but should all businesses take part? Find out its advantages and disadvantages.

More and more businesses are signing up for the well-known Black Friday campaign. If you are considering whether your company should join this trend of offers and discounts in 2024, here you will find the advantages and disadvantages so that you can make this decision in a thoughtful manner.

We are all used to the term Black Friday. This campaign originated in the United States and its objective is to give a boost to the Christmas shopping season with great discounts, promotions and offers. It is celebrated the day after Thanksgiving and this year, Black Friday 2024 will be on Friday, November 29.

Black Friday, a tradition already established


According to Statista , the most searched items in Spain on this date are fashion products, footwear and accessories, health and beauty. However, it is also common to find interesting promotions on Black Friday related to the travel sector , and more and more businesses are signing up for this Black Friday .

The importance of a good strategy for Black Friday
But this offer does not only involve simple discounted products, but requires planning for the campaign and a perfectly tuvalu email list 10377 contact leads crafted Black Friday marketing strategy , with a series of essential phases to avoid possible errors . However, is this campaign really advisable for all companies? Consider carefully the benefits and drawbacks that Black Friday can bring to your business before deciding to participate.

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What are the benefits of participating in Black Friday in 2024?

Increased sales. Consumers expect these offers and are willing to Black Friday  spend, so the increase in purchases is greater than at any other time of the year.
Stock clearing. Sales allow leave a comment / digital marketing / xgxbdfh you to clear out the inventory of products that may have accumulated in your warehouse from previous seasons. This will allow you to make room for newer items.
Visibility for your brand. Your advertising campaigns and attractive offers can attract the attention of potential customers who were not familiar with your business and esperanto leads thus achieve greater brand recognition.
Build customer loyalty. But a good Black Friday campaign will not only allow you to gain new customers, but the discounts can strengthen the business’s bond with its regular audience.

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